

Montreal's on fire... or so it feels lately.  it's not really the heat, but the humidity that makes even the smallest task feel like a near-exhaustion crawl through the dessert.  i'm trying to harness my recent bout of energy (i.e., mild mania) into getting something productive done, but anything more taxing than going to the fridge to get a cold drink results in a sweat-soaked nightmare... so for now, i'm mostly daydreaming.

it was a sunny day out, so i opened all the windows and curtains (which is significant, as i generally try to maintain a cave-like atmosphere in my surroundings.

the windowsill tomatoes are experiencing an identity crisis, as they seem to think they're vines.  i had to wedge a piece of bamboo into the window frame to tie them to when they outgrew the original stakes and started growing sideways.  the stems are at least 8 feet long at this point, and are tangled together around the bamboo pole (which is more apparent silhouetted against the sunny window)...

and the immature fruit are hanging in chaotic clusters throughout...

these were the first two to develop. i check on them multiple times a day, waiting for the first signs of ripening...

and i spent a few minutes taking photos of a recent dyeing adventure.  apparently my bed is the one place in the apartment that offers true-to-life coloring for taking pictures.  the crazy things you learn when you let the sunshine in!

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